Yangyu Sun

sunYangyu Sun is a research fellow at the University of Milano-Bicocca. In 2022, she obtained her PhD in Linguistic, Philological and Literary Sciences at University of Padova with the dissertation entitled “The Syntax of Right Dislocation in Mandarin Chinese and Italian, a Comparative Study” under the supervision of Prof. Cecilia Poletto.

Her primary research interest is in the area of Syntax. During the years of formation, she developed interests in topics including the Left Periphery, the Functional Hierarchy and the DP structure in the framework of Cartographic syntax.  In her studies, she focuses on phenomena found in Chinese languages as well as cross-linguistic comparative data.

Since 2022, Yangyu Sun became part of the European project LeibnizDream (Realizing Leibniz’s Dream: Child Language as Mirror of the Mind).

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